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Moms Need Support Too

Research over the past 20 years found that our society has five primary expectations about what makes a “good mother” and these expectations are often unattainable and overwhelming, and perpetuate inequities:

It is no wonder why “mom guilt” is so pervasive—mothers are asked to try to be all of these things all at once. “Mothers’ emotional responses to conflicting normative expectations can be negative, and may even compromise mothers’ well-being,” explain the researchers.

What helps moms to be well? Further research has shown that mothers’ well-being is primarily driven by their investment in their children and their role as a mother. Rather, there is a consistently strong tie between a moms’ well-being and her level of social support.

Moms who feel personally supported tend to feel less anxiety, depression, stress, and loneliness, and more life satisfaction and fulfillment. Four important personal supports that nourished moms:

If you want to make mom friends in your neighborhood, consider these few tips:

Of course, being a mom has both highs and lows. It is important for moms to know that we’re not alone and to be connected to other moms who can lift us up when we’re experiencing the hard parts of parenting.

Dr. Debra Brosius Licensed Clinical Psychologist with over 20 years of experience.

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